“There’s the Left, which is right;
and there’s the Right, which is wrong.”
”Virtual Reality for Conservatives – RWNJs Add Stank to VR”
”Conservatism for Dimwits – a Sinful Foundation Leading to Political Bunko Artists”
”Ivanka Trump is America’s Marie Antoinette”
”Betsy DeVos’ Edumacashun Test – Trump Cabinet Continues Dismantling Common Sense”
”Conservatives Lack Work Ethics in Foisting One Page Tax Plan”
“Trump Spokesman Calms Frightened Americans”
Conservatism’s takeover is scary
“Welcome to Trump’s New World Order with GOP Anti-American Agenda”
“A Vote for the GOP is a Vote Against America”
GOP Evil, some of the many ways that
“Conservatism Harms America”
Polling versus Propaganda – “87.372% of Republicans Don’t Differentiate Between Polling and Propaganda”
“GOP Joke Candidates for President – Running on Empty for 2016” – Carly and Bobby and Lindsey and…
“Rick Santorum: Frothy Mixture of Sophistry & Stupidity”
“Is Scott Walker the Poisonous Seedpod Pet of the Koch Brothers?”
The Huckster Huckabee for POTUS?! – “The Huckster – When such a flim-flam man runs for president, the whole country should be alarmed”
“GOP versus USA” – Proposing #GOP vs USA for use on social media
“Pro vs. Con is a Matter of Fact vs. Belief”
“My Day as a Douchebag” – pretending to be a conservative
“Conservatives are PINO (Patriots in Name Only)”
“A Couple of CON Artists Tell All” – Interview with GOP operatives
”Is Jared the Leader of the Free World?”
”Shocking Secrets of Congressional Conservatives”
”Enemy of the Sheeple”
A fable about a tyrant named Ronald Dumpt
“Heavens to Betsy! (Dissecting DeVos and Other Conservative Detritus)”
DeVos & other conservatards
“Trump Spokesliar is a Hellish Job”
“Deep Throat 2016 – While drunk and stoned, a GOP operative spills the beans”
“Aunt Thomasinas and Uncle Toms”
RWNJ Hate Radio Embraces Trump – “Buying Trump Support on RWNJ Radio”
“Thank You, Donald Trump” –
An open letter to the head of the goon party
“Little Marco Rubio Gets Advice from America’s Teachers”
“Rand Paul: Deceitful and Deluded or Full-on Crazy? Welcome to the GOP Clown Car Cavalcade” – A Psychological Profile of Rancid Rand (#FallWithPaul)
“The Coming Dumbing-Down of Jeb Bush”
“Ted Cruz: BUZZZZZ! WRONG! New Computerized Breakthrough May Be His Noisy Undoing” – American Taliban Party Candidate for President
“Ted Cruz Campaign Slogans: Fateful and Frightful Words for a Hashtag Nation”
Moron Test – “Are You a Scumbag? Take This Simple Test”
I own a “George W. Bush Talking Doll” and… – “The W Death Watch Doll”
“Cutthroat Politics at Hillmont Elementary School” – Kid Show (11th GOP debate)
“The Making of a Conservative”
“Chris Matthews and the New Economy of Language”
“It’s Jeb! From Those Friendly Folks Who Gave You the Iraq War” – Jeb Bush pulls Dubya out of mothballs
“Saying Buh-Bye to Dick ‘Dick’ Cheney” – A “pre-eulogy” for Dick Cheney
“Ready to Settle for Hillary: Is it Time for a Pantsuit President?”
“Antonin Scalia: An Eternity of Torment” – A ‘”pre-eulogy” for Antonin Scalia
“GOP Presidential Campaign Slogans” – Pithy statements for the treason party
“GOP Presidential Candidates 2016” – Two rightwing operatives speak out
“GOP Using Children as Lab Rats”
“GOP Speech for All Seasons – GOP Truthiness – What if a RWNJ Told the Truth?
“Home Schooling: Is It Right for Your Kids?”
“Conservatism Causes Cancer: A Drudge Report Exclusive “
“Is Conservatism Infectious?” – Public Health Test: Do You Have Conservativitis?
The GOP’s – “Seven Pillars of Perfidy”
website by digital handywoman